Saturday, 11 January 2014

Three small jobs. Cold winter night.

Went up for the weekend and intended not to do much of anything. It was a really cold day and an even colder night so even with the heater bar the boat was sweating. The problem with a Columbia 26 mk2 is that the hull joint is metal from the outside in. It condenses really bad.

Got to the boat late and made dinner and the bed. We use an electric bracket when its cold and even though I don't like it, it was needed as the outside temperature went to minus 9

The day my wife suggested a few jobs. Was not really keen but got into the mood as a started.

1. Make a hose run off to run the sweating water to the bilge.
2. Put a handle on a storage locker.
3. Cut a hole for a vent under a bunk.

Did the Handel first. Easy job and builds up excitement for the next one.

Next I cut the hole for the vent.  Needed a vent to help the flow of air around the boat. Plus was able to cut out an earlier mess up. No one can see it now.

I ran the hose last. The reason I did this last is because left the hose in the car and my wife went shopping. This is only temporary and looks like shut. However drilled a hold on my shelf so that pooling water can run
 to the bilge by a hose. I need a better heater for Canada.

The handel.
The vent hole newly cut.
The trim reinstalled. Needs stain.

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